Growing the Blacktown
Business Community

As a voice for the Blacktown Business Community the Greater Blacktown Business Chamber supports and assists businesses like yours connect and cultivate relationships, build local business profile and develop employee skills. Sharing a united passion to grow the local Blacktown business community you will join other business owners and operators in keeping up to date with business news, activities and developments in the local region that affect your business.

Join Our Community

Business Connections
Made Simple!

Through our network of events and member portal The Greater Blacktown Business Chamber connects you with the businesses you need to do business with. With our Chamber team working hard to understand your needs and introduce you to our growing community we are confident you will connect with the right people to develop leads and grow your business. Join our growing business community and enhance your business connections – ‘simple!’

State-wide Benefits to
Maximise Your Business Potential

Aside from our growing local member benefits, becoming a member of The Greater Blacktown Business Chamber provides FREE access to the NSW Business Chamber benefits to maximise your business potential. For more details on The Chamber Alliance Program and to see how your business can maximise its potential follow our link here.

Find out more

Our History

Launch Event

On June 7th, 2014, history was made with the informal launch of the Greater Blacktown Business Chamber Incorporated and the induction of its first members. Held at the Blacktown Workers Club, the event marked the culmination of a 12-month journey to establish Australia’s newest chamber, providing new opportunities for businesspeople in Western Sydney. Attendees included business owners and employees dedicated to the greater Blacktown region, along with representatives from the NSW Business Chamber and Blacktown City Council.

Inaugural Charter Chamber President

Trevor Oldfield AM KSJ JP, the inaugural Charter Chamber President of the Greater Blacktown Business Chamber, welcomed guests and presented foundation members with their certificates. The first certificate was symbolically awarded to Mark Beach of Guardian Funerals, highlighting the chamber’s revival. Chris Hekeik of Mode Media, a Gold Foundation Member, was also recognized for designing the chamber’s contemporary brand identity and promotional materials.

Key Stakeholder Remarks

Local businessman Frank Webb explained how the GBBC became a reality after a 14-year absence. He shared his experiences with the Blacktown Business Network and his surprise at the lack of a Blacktown Chamber of Commerce. His passion for Western Sydney, combined with events like the NRMA Western Sydney Wanderers’ success and the region’s recognition as an economic powerhouse, inspired him to propose the idea of an inclusive chamber to the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce, which supported the initiative.

Formation of the Chamber

On June 5, 2013, a group of 45 interested people met to form a committee and set the groundwork for the GBBC. Frank Webb emphasized the importance of small to medium businesses in driving regional growth and the chamber’s role in sparking that growth.

The Future of the GBBC

Trevor Oldfield highlighted the chamber’s mission to bring business owners together to share ideas and motivate each other. He invited businesses of all sizes from Parramatta to Penrith to join the Greater Blacktown Business Chamber, emphasizing the potential for growth through networking and learning.

The GBBC committee’s vision and confidence are evident in their first planned event: the official public launch of the GBBC. This event will be the largest combined business chamber gathering ever staged in Sydney, involving organizations from Parramatta, the Hills, Blue Mountains, eastern suburbs, and the West.

To enquire about membership and upcoming events, email
Chamber President Trevor Oldfield concluded, “It is the enthusiasm of the members which will decide whether the Greater Blacktown Business Chamber is successful or not. The future of the Chamber is bright, as is the future of Western Sydney.”

Our Team

AM KSJ JP - President

Trevor Oldfield

Treasurer & Public Officer

Frank Webb

DSJ - Secretary

Livia Janovics

Vice President

Bob Turner

Board Member

Chris Hekeik

Board Member

Carl Albrecht

Board Member

Darren Stevens

Board Member

Rebel Hanlon

Board Member

Luke Hannan

AM KSJ JP - President

Trevor Oldfield

Trevor Oldfield – Co-founder and current CEO of Kids West Children’s Charity.

Trevor has over 26 years’ experience in Senior Management and Customer Service having worked in both the Private and Public industries specialising in Credit Management and Human Resources.

In 2006 Trevor was awarded the Order of Australia for Community Service and the Government of NSW Premier Award for Community Service. In 2005 awarded NSW Local Community Award – Wentworthville.

Trevor has a strong passion for the greater community and its future growth.

Kids West Charity:

Treasurer & Public Officer

Frank Webb

After working for a couple of years Frank returned to study for a degree in Accounting and Financial Administration from UNE.

Building on his interest in manufacturing Frank pursued a career in accounting with a manufacturing focus, which exposed him to manufacturing processes at all levels. Designing, training in and implementing systems saw Frank gain experience in managing change.

This experience introduced Frank to Coaching as a discipline and a profession. For the past 9 years he has been a learning, compassionate and demanding Business Mentor and Coach.

In 2005 Frank co-founded Business Clarity Pty Ltd and business that assists business owners in the establishment and growth of successful businesses. He currently is servicing clients internationally.

Business Clarity Pty Ltd:

DSJ - Secretary

Livia Janovics

Having grown up in Blacktown and living in the Blacktown LGA, Livia is community focused with a passion for community service and fundraising.

Currently working full time at Western Sydney Local Health District as a Program Operations Manager.

Livia has a strong background in Human Resources, Project Management, Fundraising and Event Management, Corporate Records and Web Publishing. Livia is also a Board Member of Northmead Bowling Club and a volunteer for Kids West Children’s Charity.

NSW Health:

Vice President

Bob Turner

Bob Turner is recognised and respected throughout Australia for his sport and business prowess expanding over a 42-year career. Best known for his basketball coaching and administration, Bob is well respected throughout the corporate and sporting worlds for his marketing and management ability.

His personal success as a head coach, marketer and businessman combine to make him a valued resource on a variety of issues including team building, motivation, success, leadership and selling and marketing sport and business.

BTT Enterprises Pty Ltd

Board Member

Chris Hekeik

As the Founder and Managing Director of Modemedia, his passion was borne in 1999 with a desire to provide businesses with a holistic approach to presenting and communicating a brand in the most effective way. Chris has inspired businesses for over 25 years with his passionate and inspirational approach to being successful. He is a highly respected business owner with an endless drive to help businesses to present well and get the results they need.

As a prominent keynote speaker and presenter, his audiences enjoy the knowledge he shares in brand strategy, creative design and effective communication in developing and maintaining a strong brand presence in an ever-changing, dynamic business work.


Board Member

Carl Albrecht

Carl is the Principal Director of Australian Work Health and Safety Pty Ltd. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Occupational, Safety, Health and Environmental Management from the University of Western Sydney and a Diploma in Logistics Management. Carl is a Chartered Generalist OHS Professional Member of the Safety Institute of Australia and a registered WHS principal auditor.

Carl spent 16 years on the tools as a carpet layer then transitioned to estimating, project management, operations management and state management of companies within the floorcovering industry. He moved full-time into OHS/WHS in 2003 and has provided over 1700 days of health and safety training. His company provides a wide range of WHS services and currently has clients in NSW, Vic, QLD and Sth Aust. He is passionate about workplace health and safety and lives his company motto of “protecting businesses by protecting people”.

Australian Work Health & Safety Pty Ltd:

Board Member

Darren Stevens

Darren established DDP Electrical in 1992 carrying out work in the construction industry for the past 32 years employing many local people and completing some landmark projects during this time in the local LGA and in the greater Sydney area. While running a successful business is an achievement, seeing employees transition from apprentices to tradesmen, purchasing a house and having families, gives me the greatest satisfaction and provides me with the inspiration to continue to provide employment and opportunities for the next generation.

I have three wonderful children who have chosen their own path in life with only one working within the business, none of this would have been possible without the support of my wonderful wife who has also been the driving force behind our family and our achievements, I now have 3 wonderful grandchildren, so this is a new chapter of my life.

Board Member

Rebel Hanlon

My name is Rebel Hanlon and I would like to take the time to introduce myself. With a passion for education, indigenous issues, employment and local community I am currently a member of the following committees, boards and organisations:
· Blacktown City Council Aboriginal Advisory Committee
· Blacktown City Council Sister Cities Committee
· West Tradies (Board of Director)
· Lions Club of Blacktown City Inc
· Greater Blacktown Business Chamber (NSW)
· Justice of the Peace (NSW)

Working in the Trade
Union Movement, I have various strengths and skills which involve the representation of members on an industrial and safety level which have a potential wider reach. Over many years I have built rapport, advocated for and supported workers – effectively communicating and conveying messages to targeted audiences to resolve issues and conflict. Sensitive to worker concerns, I possess strong interpersonal skills and demonstrate discretion and integrity when dealing with confidential information.

As a current member of the West Tradies Board of Director, (serving as Vice President from 2010 to 2020) I am an active contributor with a genuine interest in seeing the club succeed. I fulfill my director’s duties and responsibilities ethically, with due diligence and integrity. I have demonstrated commitment to my role, developing a greater understanding and skills in financial management, compliance and governance to minimize business risk.

Joining the Lions Club of Blacktown City as a volunteer in 2014, I’ve served in the capacity of President, Membership Chair and Welfare Officer – over a period 7 years I have demonstrated strong leadership qualities that have fostered team cohesion, and collaboration with business and community partners to achieve projects to support the growth and needs of our Local Government Area.

Networking is important to me as an individual within my current roles, as it enables me to share knowledge and experiences whilst seeking opportunities for future growth – this has enabled me to incorporate the needs of the wider community into my work, provision projects and develop community and business partnerships to meet emerging community needs.

I have a strong work ethic and adopt a hands-on approach to tasks undertaken – demonstrating a proven ability and confidence to improve work environments, help others and make a difference.

My strength is my ability to work in a team environment, being motivated to make a difference, leading by example and empowering others to make positive change.

Board Member

Luke Hannan

Luke Hannan is one of Australia’s most Experienced, Energetic and Engaging Professional Conference and Event MCs who truly understands what it takes to keep the atmosphere electric. He is a renowned Communications Coach and shares the wisdom from over 500 live and virtual events in his bespoke, In-Person and Online Self-Paced Communications Masterclasses. These help companies, teams, and Individuals to unlock their inner voice, connect with audiences & speak with confidence.

Across his career Luke has partnered with clients such as Westpac, Google, IBM, BUPA, CPA Australia, Dell, Oracle, SAP and Citrix to deliver over 500 seamless live and virtual events spanning Financial Services, Marketing, Health, Government, Construction, Mining and Sport. Luke has an MBA from the University of Technology Sydney plus held Senior Project and Risk Positions in a Banking & Finance Career spanning more than 20 years. He travels from Sydney where he lives with his Wife and 3 Children and loves Trail Running, Playing the Piano, and Motorsport.

What is a Business Chamber?

One of the most important roles of a Business Chamber is to connect its members with the view of encouraging business-to-business relationships. The sharing of ideas, concerns and experiences in this environment then become both the catalyst for growth and the prospering of long-term relationships. This is what makes it distinct and unique.

It has the responsibility to protect the wellbeing of the business community as a whole, and work towards its best interests. Chambers’ protect the welfare of businesses in their districts, and promote the growth of commerce, trade and industry in their respective zones.

These Chambers’ collect data on different areas, regions and even countries, making them a valuable asset to the business community and those involved. Information about potential markets is also collected, and the opportunity to discuss and communicate this data is open to all members. The Chamber maintains a strong relationship with local Councils, as well as representatives of both the State and the Federal Government.

They bring to the notice of both the Council and the Government the impact of various laws, regulations and environmental changes. A Chamber can also voice changes and modifications to various laws, in order to make them more practical and useful. This in turn, gives a voice to the unified business community.

Chambers organise meetings with appropriate officials for an open discussion on various issues concerning the business community. They are inclusive not exclusive and work side by side with other Business and Networking groups.

Our Supporting Members

Platinum Members

Diamond Members

Gold Members